St Mark's Church

We only want to listen to the Holy Spirit and do what we see our Father doing.

We are a family whose heart is to build the Kingdom of God and be Jesus' hands and feet practically where He calls us to be.

Authenticity and honesty that we all have things we struggle with and that every Sunday is C.R.A.P. Sunday (Christ Redeems All People)

We love Jesus and want to love others just as they are.  We are not here to change people but to help people grow in the love of Christ.  He loves us just as we are, we are called to do the same.

He made us.  He knows us.  He loves us.

The Church of the Transfiguration

A quaint little church that is always open to drop in and visit.

Traditional Anglican services are held 2:00 pm Easter Sunday, 2:00 pm Thanksgiving Sunday, 4:00 pm Christmas Eve.  All are welcome!